When You Wish Upon A, uh, Wishlist?!?

When You Wish Upon A, uh, Wishlist?!?

Oh, yes, the Come As You Are Wishlist is back! We've been working hard to get all of our fave website features up and running, and we're super pleased to announce that we've launched a new wishlist feature on our new site.

If you've never used our wishlist before - or if you've never used a wishlist before - we find wishlists are a really handy way to keep track of stuff you're actively or passively interested in. Wishlists are also a great way to encourage your friends, fans, and frenemies to buy you gifts, and we especially adore the folks who use their wishlists to help communicate their desires, fears, and interests by sharing wishlists with their partners and lovers. Talk about subverting the traditional tools of capitalism!

This new incarnation works a bit differently than the old wishlist, but we're most excited that you have the option to login and save your wishlist OR you can create an anonymous wishlist on the fly that disappears when you clear your cookies or browser cache. Wishlists are super fun, super sharable, and beloved by your fave sex bloggers.

If you had a wishlist on our old site, and you'd like to have it restored for you, send us an email with your email address and old username before August 1, 2018 and we'll get it restored for you!  If there are other features or options you're missing, please do get in touch.

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