Collection: Indie Sex Toys

Get 25% off all indie sex toys on this page with coupon code SHAME until Monday, June 28th, 2021 . This sale is ONLINE ONLY.

We're size obsessed! The smaller the sex toy company, the more enamoured of their handcrafted and often whimsical designs we are. These sex toys are made with so much love, you can practically feel the passion radiating from their very being. Smaller sex toy companies tend to be more ethical, environmentally responsible, provide fairer wage environments for their workers - and each dollar you spend on an independent design has a much bigger impact on the local economy than factory-made goods - and frankly, their sex toys are just *better*. From BSisNice in Barcelona and Hole Punch Toys in the USA to Toronto's Aslan Leather and Montreal's Oxyd Creations, we love our indie creators and we know you will too.

16 of 175 products